In a World of IoT, We've Never Needed UEM More

15 September 2020 | Posted by Josh Paine

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In the wake of COVID-19 and the unprecedented rise in remote working, enterprise mobility has become more essential than ever before.

As teams rely heavily on mobile devices, apps, and IoT technologies to continue working, enterprises should look towards managed UEM solutions to support their mobile infrastructure and lay the groundwork for continued remote working success. 

The Growth of IoT Connected Devices

The widespread adoption of IoT devices has helped to power remote working during lockdown. Their use has expanded to include smartwatches, connected hubs, and numerous non-traditional connected endpoints that are becoming key to an employees' workspace. 

With many corporate-backed initiatives like Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) and Bring Your Own Network (BYON) empowering employees to use their own personal devices to do their jobs, alongside new technology like 5G this growth is expected to continue. Gartner predicts that the amount of 5G IoT endpoints installed will more than triple within the next year.

Companies that are leveraging IoT devices to facilitate remote working should look to adopt enterprise-wide UEM platforms to keep endpoints secure, improve device visibility, and keep employees protected while they're away from the office. 

Download the 2023 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Managed Mobility Services, Global,  to see how MMS vendors are evaluated.

How Unified Endpoint Management Can Help

UEM lets enterprises have greater operational awareness over their device infrastructure. This is critical for keeping devices secure while remaining accessible for end-users. 

Here's why UEM is essential in a world of growing IoT. 

Secures Complex Endpoints

As workers rely on IoT devices for everyday tasks, endpoint management across their network infrastructure is essential for continued remote working security. And as the sheer variety of systems, configurations, and devices continues to grow, this can pose major problems for enterprises if left unmanaged. 

Many of the more advanced IoT endpoints require adequate encryption, identity and access management, compliance enforcement, and more. The easiest way to protect these endpoints en masse, is through a managed UEM. 

A UEM works to alleviate this by providing security protocols and localised control across all wearables, devices, and other connected IoT equipment. This ensures all endpoints are protected by the same, company-wide security policy, letting security remain consistent across every unique system. 

Unified Platform

A UEM gives your IT administrators a centralized app and improves data control and network visibility, allowing enterprises to better manage diverse devices deployed across their infrastructure.

With your entire device ecosystem in one place, it's easier to spot potential issues as they arise. This improves response times and allows for quick fixes to be applied across numerous devices simultaneously. 

Additionally, you can even uncover opportunities to optimize resources and streamline device networks – allowing your business to become more efficient in the process. 

Freedom to Work Anywhere

A managed UEM gives your end-users the flexibility to work on the device of their choice without compromising on security. 

With UEM endpoint, app, and data protections in place, employees can get the most out of BYOD and BYON programs and continue using IoT devices for work, while retaining the same quick network access to security updates and company files.

This also allows for an easy separation of personal and corporate data on the same device, allowing users to seamlessly switch between the two whenever required.  

Choose the Right UEM Provider 

With remote working becoming an integral part of everyday life, businesses should look to leverage UEM solutions to manage devices and stay secure across their entire network infrastructure. 

With global support for teams all around the world, it's a solution that's going to become critical for continued success in the future. 

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