How to Spot the Best Managed Mobility Service Providers

25 August 2022 | Posted by Nick Oldham

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Managed Mobility Service (MMS) providers are in high demand. As hybrid working becomes the rule, not the exception, organizations need a robust means of managing their growing mobile estate. The market for these services is growing, so here’s our guide on how to choose the best Managed Mobility Service provider.

What Does a Great MMS Provider Look Like?

The right MMS provider is the one that has your interests at heart, partners well with your organization, and delivers on promises. They’re able to operate on a global scale and deliver first-class experiences to your staff.

Great MMS providers deliver effective and reliable managed mobility services that:

  • Work in your interest
  • Have the right capabilities
  • Have easy-to-use software
  • Offer a global service
  • Provide ongoing support

Working in Your Interest

All service providers claim to work in your interest, but how many really do? Great MMS providers tie their SLAs and internal team metrics to your success, not their output.

In 2015, Gartner previously commented on the importance of SLAs in ensuring continued vendor performance in achieving positive outcomes. They highlighted the need for sourcing managers to ensure that their contracts include detailed performance-based SLAs, which are often missed from managed mobility services contracts.

For long-term success, the agreed performance metrics should be aligned with your MMS provider’s internal targets. This will ensure that they are actively incentivized to continually help you meet your goals.

Download the 2023 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Managed Mobility Services, Global,  to see how MMS vendors are evaluated.


Businesses currently waste as much as 30% of their IT spend across their telecom and wireless solutions. They need an MMS provider with superior capabilities to bring this wastage under control. To achieve this, enterprises should look for the following capabilities if they want truly effective MMS:

  • Cost Optimization
  • Compliance
  • Security
  • BYOD Management
  • Unified Endpoint Management
  • Automation

User-Friendly MMS Software

Powerful, easy-to-use software plays a key role in today’s MMS offering. The best mobility service provider's software lets you report on the status of your wireless telecom estate, see the latest data immediately and enable you to drill down into issues where required.

It’s also important to know where data is saved to preserve data governance. With so many SaaS solutions out there, data is becoming harder and harder to keep track of. Mature MMS providers understand this pain point and act with transparency to ensure you know where your data is and who has access to it.


Global Delivery

Effective global delivery requires operational centers where you need service, not just satellite sales offices. The best MMS providers take advantage of regional expertise to secure stronger contracts, source hardware faster, and make sure you stay compliant at every stage of the mobility lifecycle.

Employees should be at the center of your mobility ecosystem, but many organizations drop the ball when it comes to the end-user experience.

MMS providers are perfectly positioned to deliver a first-class experience to users. Device procurement and upgrade management should be smooth and fast. Billing issues, reimbursements, and resolutions should likewise be hassle-free from the end-user perspective. And when a user has a problem, they should be able to get support any time, in their local language.

The Best MMS Providers Challenge the Market

Knowing how to identify the best MMS providers can shorten your procurement cycle and potentially avoid a poor and costly purchase decision. Choosing the right partner delivers a huge return on investment and provides lasting benefits to your enterprise.

At Cass, we believe an MMS provider should offer a combination of technical, commercial, and operational skills. Cost savings are still a key priority, so the ability to manage the entire mobility lifecycle is key. In the world of hybrid working, MMS providers are in high demand. Enterprises need global capabilities to source and distribute devices to decentralized employees.

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Topics: Vendor Management, MMS