How Facility Managers Can Get Smarter about Reducing Waste Expense

11 March 2020 | Posted by Cass Waste Marketing

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Code, compliance, safety, maintenance and upgrades are ongoing.  With the number of essential tasks involved with managing multiple or even one facility, your hands are full. Facility managers are heavily relied on to keep things running smooth while staying within budget.

Challenge: How do you continue to operate to the highest standards while meeting operational and financial expectations set by your organization?

Solution: Offload mundane tasks that are impacting productivity and entrust vendors to manage areas outside of your expertise.

IT, marketing and finance departments within your organization likely rely on external partners to provide expertise and cost improvements. On the facility side, we enlist several service providers, but should we be expecting more? Process improvement, expert knowledge, someone who can help align you with departmental initiatives and goals?

Managing waste and recycling is challenging. Recycling and sustainability efforts initiated by those outside your departments are difficult to manage and implement, placing pressure on your teams. Waste removal costs are on the rise. The services and waste hauler relationships have become increasingly complex. Facility managers are taking notice and are now leaning towards the smart solution of waste expense management.

Here are 5 reasons you’ll operate smarter by entrusting a waste expense management solution provider:

Cost Control

It’s smart to explore cost-saving measures you can implement at your facility. However, taking the time to research every opportunity can take you more time than you have. Managing waste and the expenses you incur is complex, especially if you’re managing multiple sites. A waste managed service provider could help pool costs and provide insight into where you can improve pricing and performance.

Standardized Processes

Operating highly efficient facilities is paramount to your overall success in achieving financial and operation goals. You likely have processes in place for most facility functions, do you have one for waste and recycling? Mandates are constantly changing which make it a challenge to establish bet practices across sites, which can result in price increases and unnecessary fees. A waste MSP can help to implement the processes and oversight to ensure you are compliant and within fair market pricing.

Equipment Management and Support

Outdated or broken equipment is ineffective and visually unappealing which in some businesses, can affect your brand. Repairing and replacement of waste bins, compactors and dumpsters can be a lengthy process, taking up time you don’t have. Proper management of current equipment is a perfect example of a waste process that’s best left to experts who have the time and knowledge to work directly with haulers to ensure you are receiving the service and products you pay for. 

Increased Productivity

Facility teams operate on tight daily schedules, often relying on vendors to keep things moving. Juggling your teams, tasks and important business is challenging. Any disruption in services can make for a break in the routine your teams depend heavily on. By choosing to offload waste related tasks you’ll get back valuable time, resulting in a productivity boost in your department.

Data Insights

Facilities management is one important area that can benefit tremendously from a data-driven approach. Collecting, analyzing and reporting of your unique data helps measure performance among your sites, define areas of improvement and measure sustainability goals. Eliminate the guess work and have proven metrics to back operational need, effort and improvements. Gathering these important metrics helps to create useful reporting by operations, finance and executive teams.

Cass Waste Expense Management

Cass WEM is a waste managed services provider aimed at simplifying and reducing costs associated with waste and recycling services. We ensure consistent and repeatable daily processes that are easily integrated into your facilities and finance operations.  Cass offers visibility and control that help increase efficiencies in your department and provide insight to help optimize your services.  Whether you are working with a broker, under national hauler agreement or self-managing you should explore your options with the leader in waste expense management.

Ready to learn how you can be smarter about reducing waste expense? Contacts us today!