5 Reasons to Team Up with Cass as Your Procurement Partner

3 June 2020 | Posted by Cass Information Systems, Inc.

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Regardless of where they’re based or what they do, companies around the world need to make faster and more strategic sourcing decisions to retain a competitive edge.

Across all industries, in-house procurement teams are tasked with improving service quality, reducing costs, and eliminating business risk. And, representing one of the most substantial business costs, telecom services are frequently targeted. 

Yet, navigating the telecom arena isn't without its challenges. To manage this, many turn to a dedicated telecom procurement partner to support their in-house teams. They provide all-important experience, negotiation skills, and support services to secure the best rates and optimum terms for telecom contracts.

In this blog, we explore the qualities you should look out for when selecting your telecom sourcing and procurement partner, and what makes telecom procurement from Cass unique.

1. Device Bundling Capabilities

Currently, many procurement teams must balance key drivers such as cost optimization with the speed of innovation in the telecom industry.

Businesses want to rapidly acquire new devices when it's needed, without the normal headaches of the procurement process. For example, distributing devices such as iPads to sales reps who need them to take orders in the field, or for use at in-store kiosks. However, like with all new technology, where demand exists higher spend will follow. 

Supplying all-new devices to potentially thousands of users can cause costs to skyrocket for a large-scale business. And this can become even more complex if you operate on a global-scale. Enterprise organizations should choose a telecom procurement partner who can source and purchase the devices that are needed, without an immediate outlay of capital.

Device bundling capabilities allow you to get the latest smart devices for your workforce and spread the cost of repayment as part of your service charge, not as a loan. Making it the perfect solution for investing in new technology. However, not all procurement partners have the capability to quickly acquire the right devices and simultaneously help you manage the immediate cost.

Due to Cass' status as a commercial bank, we actually own the bank, making us unique amongst other partners. We have the financial instruments built into our bank that enable us to spread out the cost. Reducing the impact of your expenses and improving cash flow. 

2. Multi-supplier Management

At an enterprise level, in-house procurement teams are expected to manage multiple telecom contracts, throughout numerous different countries, and across an array of different suppliers.

However, enterprise-level telecom procurement projects require deep technical knowledge of telecom technologies. In addition to a detailed understanding of telecom billing structures, tariffs, surcharges, and taxes.

By securing the services of a global telecom procurement partner, your organization can overcome many of the obstacles that stem from a lack of industry expertise. As well as identify discrepancies within suppliers’ billing data and locate opportunities where additional savings can be made.

3. Billing Data Analysis

As highlighted above, enterprise organizations are frequently presented with billing data in different formats and currencies, often saturated with country-specific jargon.

And that’s just the beginning. Even if your procurement team manages to discern meaning from this data, they’re then tasked with analysis and distribution across the company – particularly to sectors such as IT finance.

However, securing the services of a TEM procurement partner can help to alleviate this time-consuming process. A TEM provider, such as Cass, can analyze and audit every line of every invoice, and then process and make payments on your behalf. This automatically and accurately distributes costs to the appropriate cost centres and budget owners.

Not only will this reduce your procurement team’s headaches, it also ensures overcharges from late fees, misapplied payments, and service disruption are mitigated.

4. Global Market Expertise

For organizations who require multi-country services dispersed around the globe, industry knowledge isn't a luxury, it's an essential.

With the unique visibility of a global TEM provider, who can leverage their knowledge of the rates and contract terms available by both in-region and multi-national providers, it's possible to help you negotiate the best combination of global service quality and low cost.

For organizations with data networks spanning Shanghai to Saskatoon and Boston to Brisbane, only a global TEM provider can offer the necessary, bias-free expertise to extract the best rates. And, when complementing these capabilities with services such as device bundling from Cass, you can secure the devices they want at the best possible cost and acquire them quickly, worldwide.

5. Inventory Visibility

Capturing a clear picture of your global telecom inventory while retaining regional autonomy is challenging.

Even with a central network infrastructure team, the tracking of MACDs across a multitude of global locations is burdensome. And, even if achieved, often cuts regional teams off at the knees, preventing them from accessing the local information they need.

But by leveraging the services of an external TEM provider, you can make sure your local teams have clear visibility into the inventory of telecom circuits and services in their city, country, or region.

This ensures the costs associated with them are better understood so optimization changes can be made without fear of losing global and regional transparency.  

Why is Cass the Perfect Telecom Procurement Partner?

In the current economic climate, it’s important for enterprise organizations to source the best contract terms at the best rates – especially for their telecom services.

In-house procurement teams must overcome a variety of obstacles to extract the greatest value from a contract, while satisfying the need for future-proof technology such as 5G, within their business.

And for organizations looking to better support their teams during this time, securing the services of a TEM procurement partner with the financial capabilities essential.

When you partner with a telecom procurement partner such as Cass Telecom, you will not only eradicate the common headaches and pain-points during the procurement process, but also provide support for your in-house team at every stage – from RFP creation to eventual contract termination.

Topics: Sourcing