What’s the Value of Direct-to-Carrier Payments?

8 August 2017 | Posted by Cass Information Systems, Inc.

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Nobody enjoys filling out forms. In fact, paperwork is so despised we invented the phrase "red tape" all the way back in the 16th century just to help verbalize how irritating it is.

Today we have to deal with far more paper-pushing, and it can seriously drain employee time and resources, eventually impacting the bottom line.

So, if there was a way to cut down on the paperwork needed for employee BYOD reimbursements, that’d be worth hearing about, right?

Happier Employees

How much do employees hate filling in business expense forms? Is it really that big a problem for a business? Well…

A 2015 survey showed that 53% of respondents would rather be doing their taxes, 43% said they’d rather have to spend longer commuting and 53% actually pay for business expenses out of their own pocket just to avoid filling in an expenses form.

Download our straightforward guide to writing a comprehensive enterprise BYOD policy today. 

Most telling is that 84% of the 1,000 employees surveyed said they would think more highly of their employer if the expenses process was better.

So, yes, it really is that big a problem for your business.

Save Time

The same survey also revealed that 78% of respondents believed they would be more productive if the expenses reporting system was easier to use.

It’s hard to argue with that belief when you read a report released by the GBTA Foundation into expense reporting processes from around the globe. It reported that the average time taken to complete just one expense form is 20-minutes.

That’s 20 minutes your employee could be spending making your business money instead.

And it's not just the employee making the claim who's spending their time on that expenses claim, it's also your accountants - who need to process and check an average of 51,000 expense reports every year.

Save Money

And it isn’t just time that businesses waste on spurious expense reporting procedures, it’s money too.

Another recent report revealed that the average cost of processing a single expenses report is around $58 - but the costs don’t stop there. On average 19% of expense reports are submitted with errors included and each of these must be fixed, at an average cost of $52.

So, for every five expenses forms your business processes, you’re paying over $300 just to process them. Which is why Cass Direct2Carrier Payments™ customers have been able to achieve such incredible levels of savings.

Cass Direct2Carrier Payments™

In 2014 Cass was awarded a US patent for our ground-breaking BYOD management solution, Cass Direct2Carrier Payments™, which simplify and streamline BYOD reimbursement instead of tying businesses and employees up in needless red tape.

Unlike most reimbursement which take up valuable employee time, Direct2Carrier Payments™ automatically credit an employee’s carrier account with the agreed reimbursement every month when the bill is due. Simple.

One Fortune 500 insurance provider is saving approximately $1.6 million annually after switching to Direct2Carrier Payments™ payments instead of expense reports.

One of the USA's largest drugstores has seen a 48% increase in employees going mobile, with per-device costs reduced by 41% now they’re supported by Direct2Carrier Payments™.

Michelin managed to transition nearly 4,000 corporate owned devices to personally owned devices while lowering the average per device per month cost of a user by 43%.

More Than Just a Solution, a Trusted Partner

When you decide to use Direct2Carrier Payments™ you aren’t just getting a reimbursement solution that ends at installation, you’re getting the benefit of our best people and years of experience processing over 230,000 invoices, valued at over $140 million, every single day.

We know that our Telecom Expense Management services deliver a mix of tangible results, surprising savings and unprecedented support that delights our customers, because we’ve achieved a 99.7% retention rate over the last six years – making us #1 in customer satisfaction!

Topics: TEM, BYOD